Workshop with Akeim Toussaint Buck

Volcano Theatre invites artists working within nature and the body, and those interested in performing movement and ecology to embark on an adventure to see nature within themselves. Usingdance,voice,mindfulness,breathandcreative writing, we will travel into an osmosis of a creative expression to share the approach to creating this new work and new collaboration. Support the building of this sanctuary where the definition of humanity is expanded and nature takes central focus in order to feel, heal and reveal. dance voice mindfulness breath creative writing Professsional experience not necessary. Open to all participants 18+ with an interest in creative practice.Please wear comfortable clothing you can move in, and bring a water bottle.AKEIM TOUSSAINT BUCKis an interdisciplinary performer and maker, born in Jamaica and raised in England. Graduating from The Northern School of Contemporary Dance in 2014, Akeim began creating his own work in 2015. His intention is to create moving, thought provoking, accessible and free-spirited projects. AKEIM TOUSSAINT BUCK Photo by Maria Alzamora Book tickets Book tickets Book tickets

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